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Wolverine may be back in SHIELD custody, but at what cost? As the X-Men mourn a fallen teammate in a funeral befitting a hero, Hydra celebrates the coronation of a new leader. And, the reign of terror continues, as the Hand picks off meta-humans one by one. Will Wolverine be deprogrammed in time to stop the carnage?

  • Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics Wolverine Enemy Of The State Trade Paperback Vol 02 Graphic Novel

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Wolverine may be back in SHIELD custody, but at what cost? As the X-Men mourn a fallen teammate in a funeral befitting a hero, Hydra celebrates the coronation of a new leader. And, the reign of terror continues, as the Hand picks off meta-humans one by one. Will Wolverine be deprogrammed in time to stop the carnage?

  • Marvel Comics

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